Fingerprinting the Dead
by Daryl W. Clemens Obtaining fingerprints for identification is a long established law enforcement practice. When the practice started, is was most common to use printers ink applied to the fingers which…
by Daryl W. Clemens Obtaining fingerprints for identification is a long established law enforcement practice. When the practice started, is was most common to use printers ink applied to the fingers which…
by Captain Curtis C. Frame, Criminal Investigation Division Jasper County Sheriff’s Office Jasper, Texas Article Copyright © 2000, Curtis C. Frame A Latent print found in dust, may be the only clue…
By Daryl W. Clemens Burglary defined Burglary is sometimes also known as Home Invasion, or Breaking and Entering. The unlawful entry into the premises of another with intent to commit a felony…
By Pat A. Wertheim This article originally appeared in “Minutiae”, The Lightning Powder Co. Newsletter, No. 42, May-June 1997, p. 6. Although old-fashioned black powder is the workhorse of fingerprint development techniques…
Thoroughly researched and engagingly written, this book is sure to appeal to people in the fingerprint profession, and to those who love history. The book centers around “The Shocking Tragedy at Deptford”,…
By Ivan Ross Futrell Mr. Futrell is a supervisory fingerprint specialist in the Latent Fingerprint Section of the FBI Laboratory in Washington, D.C. This Article Originally Appeared in the FBI Law Enforcement…
This article originally appeared in the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, December 1992. In March 1990, an unknown assailant sexually molested and fatally stabbed a young woman. At the crime scene, an investigator…